Before making any purchase we strongly recommend you take up the offer to first test drive the software using the trial version using the link found in the download page.
The trial version is identical to the registered version, providing a 55 day trial period in which to fully evaluate the software and during that trial period you are still entitled to the exact same levels of software support as a registered user.
Also make sure you using the latest version of the software as indicated by the version details found in the Help, About dialog.
To continue to use the Zeus IDE software after the end of the trial period requires the purchase of an activation key.
That activation key is perpetual, meaning the key will never expire and will continue to work with the version of Zeus IDE available at the time of purchase.
Registration also provides the user with one year of free software upgrades, which equates to between two or three free upgrades over the year.
We challenge you to crash Zeus and earn a free registration. Read more about this here.
To purchase the activation key use the button below.
As the Zeus activation key provides between two and three free upgrades, depending on the age of the activation key, you may find the activation key already works with this latest Zeus release.
However, before attempting to run the latest version, it is very important to backup your current Zeus installation using the instructions found here.
Users running a much older version of Zeus can upgrade their activation key, however this will require the purchase of a new activation key, with these upgrades offered at a 45% discount off the full price.
If you wish to purchase an upgrade for your current activation key send us an e-mail requesting a discount upgrade coupon.
If you have any further questions regarding the purchase of this software feel free to e-mail us your questions.