Project Binding Dialog

This is the Agent SVN Project dialog:

Project Binding

The project dialog is used to define the location of the project in the Subversion repository and consist of the following fields:

More details on how these bindings work can be found here.

A Typical Example

Let's assume that file:///D:/projects/svnroot is the URL for the Subversion Repository.

If file:///D:/projects/svnroot/zeus/trunk is the URL for the Zeus project within that repository, then these will be the binding details for this project:

If instead file:///D:/projects/svnroot/trunk/zeus was the URL for the Zeus project within that repository, then these will be the binding details for this project:

In other words the Project URL = Aux Path + Project

In both cases the d:\projects\zeus folder must contains a valid working copy of the project.

Important Notes

For the binding to work the project URL must point to a valid SVN project.

The URL is case sensitive so make sure the case is entered correctly.

The local path folder must contain a valid working copy of the project as taken form the repository.

Latest Version: Agent SVN 2.77
Released: 3rd January 2025